I met Stephen in person last August and he immediately struck me as a very down-to-earth, forward-looking, and visionary individual with realistic and achievable aims for libertarianism in Scotland.
His background in business has produced both skill and success, especially in the area of technology. I am confident that Stephen will help reform the internal administration system of the Scottish Libertarian Party in a way that will reduce anomalies and boost transparency. His policy to separate the party committee from the party leadership in a ‘one member, one job role’ formula will improve individual accountability. Taken together, these reforms will enable the party to progress in its influence, effectiveness and, in time, representation. You can see all of his proposed changes and more by reading his manifesto for leadership.
Stephen has set high standards for himself and the party. I have no doubt that he will make a fine leader of the Scottish Libertarian Party and I endorse him for the role.
Christopher Wilkinson - Company Director of Blacklist Press Ltd